A high performance abstraction layer for AccuRev

Generates a report with the number of promote transactions and versions promoted per user and stream that occurred in select streams during a specified time period. In the appSettings section of PromoCount.exe.config change the StartTime and EndTime to their respective values and include the streams to query in the Streams section. Include the depots where the streams are located in the Depots section. Results are written to the daily log file PromoCountResults-YYYY-MM-DD.log created (or updated) in the same folder where PromoCount.exe resides.

Promotions to select streams from 2018/04/16 00:00:00 to 2018/04/20 23:59:59.

JUPITER_DEV3 {promotions\versions}:
  Burrowes, Amalda............{1\2}
  Clayhanger, Gerontius.......{4\4}
  Hogpen, Peregrin...........{4\12}
  Hornblower, Bowman..........{5\8}
  Proudfoot, Cora.............{1\1}
  Total 15 promotions and 27 versions.

JUPITER_DEV4 {promotions\versions}:
  Clayhanger, Gerontius......{3\17}
  Proudfoot, Cora.............{2\6}

Grand total of 68 promotions and 182 versions.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<section name="activeDir" type="AcUtils.ADSection, AcUtils, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=26470c2daf5c2e2f, processorArchitecture=MSIL"/>
<section name="Depots" type="AcUtils.DepotsSection, AcUtils, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=26470c2daf5c2e2f, processorArchitecture=MSIL"/>
<section name="Streams" type="AcUtils.StreamsSection, AcUtils, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=26470c2daf5c2e2f, processorArchitecture=MSIL"/>
<!-- contact your company LDAP administrator for these values -->
<add host="" path="DC=OMIT1,DC=ad,DC=yourcorp,DC=com"/>
<add host="" path="DC=OMIT2,DC=yourcorp,DC=com"/>
<!-- depots where the streams below are located -->
<add depot="MARS"/>
<add depot="JUPITER"/>
<add depot="NEPTUNE"/>
<!-- add/remove the streams to query from depots listed above -->
<add stream="MARS_DEV3"/>
<add stream="MARS_DEV4"/>
<add stream="JUPITER_DEV3"/>
<add stream="JUPITER_DEV4"/>
<add stream="NEPTUNE_MAINT1"/>
<!-- YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss (24 hour time format) -->
<add key="StartTime" value="2018/04/16 00:00:00"/>
<add key="EndTime" value="2018/04/20 23:59:59"/>
<assert assertuienabled="false"/>
<source name="PromoCount">
<remove name="Default"/>
<add name="AcLog" type="Microsoft.VisualBasic.Logging.FileLogTraceListener, Microsoft.VisualBasic, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, processorArchitecture=MSIL"/>
<add name="PromoCountResults" type="Microsoft.VisualBasic.Logging.FileLogTraceListener, Microsoft.VisualBasic, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, processorArchitecture=MSIL"/>
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1"/>
/* Copyright (C) 2018 Verizon. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License. */
// Required references: AcUtils.dll, Microsoft.VisualBasic, System, System.Configuration, System.Xml.Linq
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using Microsoft.VisualBasic.Logging;
using AcUtils;
namespace PromoCount
class Program
#region class variables
private static DomainCollection _domains;
private static DepotsCollection _selDepots;
private static StreamsCollection _selStreams;
private static string _startTime;
private static string _endTime;
private static AcUsers _users;
private static AcDepots _depots;
private static readonly object _locker = new object(); // token for lock keyword scope
private static FileLogTraceListener _tl; // for logging program results
static int Main()
if (!init()) return 1;
Task<bool> r = promoCountAsync();
return (r.Result) ? 0 : 1;
// Run the AccuRev hist command for all streams in PromoCount.exe.config, generate the results and send it
// to the daily log file PromoCountResults-YYYY-MM-DD.log created (or updated) in the same folder where
// PromoCount.exe resides. Returns true if the operation succeeded, false otherwise. AcUtilsException
// caught and logged in %LOCALAPPDATA%\AcTools\Logs\PromoCount-YYYY-MM-DD.log on hist command failure.
// Exception caught and logged in same for a range of exceptions.
private static async Task<bool> promoCountAsync()
bool ret = false; // assume failure
Dictionary<AcStream, Task<AcResult>> map = new Dictionary<AcStream, Task<AcResult>>(_selStreams.Count);
Func<AcStream, Task<AcResult>> run = (stream) =>
// start-end times reversed as workaround for AccuRev issue 15780
Task<AcResult> result = AcCommand.runAsync(
$@"hist -fx -k promote -s ""{stream}"" -t ""{_endTime} - {_startTime}""");
lock (_locker) { map.Add(stream, result); }
return result;
var tasks = from s in _depots.SelectMany(d => d.Streams)
where _selStreams.OfType<StreamElement>().Any(se => se.Stream == s.Name)
select run(s);
AcResult[] arr = await Task.WhenAll(tasks); // finish running hist commands in parallel
if (arr == null || arr.Any(r => r.RetVal != 0)) return false;
log($"Promotions to select streams from {_startTime} to {_endTime}.{Environment.NewLine}");
int tgrandtot = 0; int vgrandtot = 0;
foreach (var ii in map.OrderBy(n => n.Key))
log($"{ii.Key} {{{$"promotions\\versions"}}}:"); // key is stream
AcResult r = ii.Value.Result;
XElement xml = XElement.Parse(r.CmdResult);
ILookup<string, XElement> look = xml.Elements("transaction")
.ToLookup(n => (string)n.Attribute("user"), n => n);
int tsubtot = 0; int vsubtot = 0;
foreach (var jj in look.OrderBy(n => _users.getUser(n.Key)))
AcUser user = _users.getUser(jj.Key);
int tnum = jj.Count();
int vnum = jj.Elements("version").Count();
string val = $"{{{tnum}\\{vnum}}}";
log($"\t{user.ToString().PadRight(40, '.')}{val.PadLeft(13, '.')}");
tsubtot += tnum; tgrandtot += tnum;
vsubtot += vnum; vgrandtot += vnum;
log($"\tTotal {tsubtot} promotions and {vsubtot} versions.{Environment.NewLine}");
log($"Grand total of {tgrandtot} promotions and {vgrandtot} versions.");
ret = true;
catch (AcUtilsException ecx)
AcDebug.Log($"AcUtilsException caught and logged in Program.promoCountAsync{Environment.NewLine}{ecx.Message}");
catch (Exception ecx)
AcDebug.Log($"Exception caught and logged in Program.promoCountAsync{Environment.NewLine}{ecx.Message}");
return ret;
// General program startup initialization. Returns true if initialization succeeded, false otherwise.
private static bool init()
// initialize our logging support so we can log errors
if (!AcDebug.initAcLogging())
Console.WriteLine("Logging support initialization failed.");
return false;
// in the event of an unhandled exception, save it to our log file before the program terminates
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(AcDebug.unhandledException);
// ensure we're logged into AccuRev
Task<string> prncpl = AcQuery.getPrincipalAsync();
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(prncpl.Result))
AcDebug.Log($"Not logged into AccuRev.{Environment.NewLine}Please login and try again.");
return false;
// initialize our class variables from PromoCount.exe.config
if (!initAppConfigData()) return false;
// initialize our logging support for program results
if (!initPromoCountResultsLogging()) return false;
_users = new AcUsers(_domains, null, includeGroupsList: false, includeDeactivated: true);
_depots = new AcDepots(dynamicOnly: true);
Task<bool[]> lists = Task.WhenAll(_depots.initAsync(_selDepots), _users.initAsync());
if (lists == null || lists.Result.Any(n => n == false)) return false;
return true;
// Initialize our class variables from PromoCount.exe.config. Returns true if all values successfully read
// and class variables initialized, false otherwise. ConfigurationErrorsException caught and logged in
// %LOCALAPPDATA%\AcTools\Logs\PromoCount-YYYY-MM-DD.log on initialization failure.
private static bool initAppConfigData()
bool ret = true; // assume success
_startTime = AcQuery.getAppConfigSetting<string>("StartTime").Trim();
_endTime = AcQuery.getAppConfigSetting<string>("EndTime").Trim();
ADSection adSection = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("activeDir") as ADSection;
if (adSection == null)
AcDebug.Log("Error in Program.initAppConfigData creating ADSection");
ret = false;
_domains = adSection.Domains;
DepotsSection depotsConfigSection = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("Depots") as DepotsSection;
if (depotsConfigSection == null)
AcDebug.Log("Error in Program.initAppConfigData creating DepotsSection");
ret = false;
_selDepots = depotsConfigSection.Depots;
StreamsSection streamsConfigSection = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("Streams") as StreamsSection;
if (streamsConfigSection == null)
AcDebug.Log("Error in Program.initAppConfigData creating StreamsSection");
ret = false;
_selStreams = streamsConfigSection.Streams;
catch (ConfigurationErrorsException exc)
Process currentProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
ProcessModule pm = currentProcess.MainModule;
AcDebug.Log($"Invalid data in {pm.ModuleName}.config{Environment.NewLine}{exc.Message}");
ret = false;
return ret;
// Initialize our logging support for PromoCount program results. Output is sent to the daily log file
// PromoCountResults-YYYY-MM-DD.log created (or updated) in the same folder where PromoCount.exe resides.
// Returns true if logging support was successfully initialized, false otherwise. Exception caught and
// logged in %LOCALAPPDATA%\AcTools\Logs\PromoCount-YYYY-MM-DD.log on initialization failure.
private static bool initPromoCountResultsLogging()
bool ret = false; // assume failure
TraceSource ts = new TraceSource("PromoCount"); // this program name
_tl = (FileLogTraceListener)ts.Listeners["PromoCountResults"];
_tl.Location = LogFileLocation.ExecutableDirectory; // create the log file in the same folder as our executable
_tl.BaseFileName = "PromoCountResults"; // our log file name begins with this name
_tl.MaxFileSize = 83886080; // log file can grow to a maximum of 80 megabytes in size
_tl.ReserveDiskSpace = 2500000000; // at least 2.3GB free disk space must exist for logging to continue
// append -YYYY-MM-DD to the log file name
// additional runs of this app in the same day append to this file (by default)
_tl.LogFileCreationSchedule = LogFileCreationScheduleOption.Daily;
_tl.AutoFlush = true; // true to make sure we capture data in the event of an exception
ret = true;
catch (Exception exc)
AcDebug.Log($"Exception caught and logged in Program.initPromoCountResultsLogging{Environment.NewLine}{exc.Message}");
return ret;
// Write text to the PromoCountResults-YYYY-MM-DD.log daily log file located in the same folder as the executable.
private static void log(string text)
if (_tl != null)