A high performance abstraction layer for AccuRev
Class List
All classes in AcUtils
[detail level 12345]
 CAcCommandAccuRev command processing.
 CAcDateTimeUse to validate and convert date/time values to and from .NET and AccuRev/Unix formats.
 CAcDebugUse to log and display error and general purpose text messages, and to save the XML param data sent by AccuRev to a trigger for development, debugging, and troubleshooting purposes. For OS environment problems, log the system network activity generated by the program by modifying <prog_name>.exe.config similar to this version.
 CAcDepotA depot object that defines the attributes of an AccuRev depot.
 CAcDepotsA container of AcDepot objects that define AccuRev depots in the repository.
 CAcDurationWrapper around TimeSpan so we can return our own formatted elapsed time string and still sort correctly in a grid based on the actual time span.
 CAcGroupsA container class for AcPrincipal objects that define AccuRev groups.
 CAcLockA lock object that defines the attributes of an AccuRev lock: The stream name the lock is on and manner (from, to, all), the principal name and type it applies to, and how it's applied (except-for, only-for).
 CAcLocksA container of AcLock objects that define the AccuRev locks that prevent certain users from making changes to streams.
 CAcPermissionA permission object that defines the attributes of an AccuRev access control list (ACL) entry.
 CAcPermissionsA container of AcPermission objects that define AccuRev access control list (ACL) entries.
 CAcPreferencesGet user preferences retrieved by way of the getpref command.
 CAcPrincipalContains the AccuRev principal attributes name, ID and status (active or inactive) for users and groups. Additionally, lists of group members and user group memberships are initialized optionally as per AcGroups and AcUsers constructor parameters includeMembersList and includeGroupsList respectively.
 CAcPropertiesA container of AcProperty objects that define AccuRev properties assigned to a stream or principal by the setproperty command.
 CAcPropertyA property object that defines the attributes of an AccuRev property assigned to a stream or principal by the setproperty command.
 CAcQueryMiscellaneous stuff that didn't fit in elsewhere.
 CAcResultAccuRev program return value and command result.
 CAcRuleThe attributes of a stream or workspace include or exclude rule: RuleKind, ElementType, location affected by the rule, stream or workspace the rule was applied to, and (if applicable) the basis stream for cross-links.
 CAcRulesA container of AcRule objects that define the attributes of stream and workspace include and exclude rules.
 CAcSessionHolds the attributes for an AccuRev user session: principal name, host machine IP address, and length of time logged in. AcSession objects are instantiated during AcSessions construction.
 CAcSessionsA container for AcSession objects that define AccuRev user sessions.
 CAcStopWatchDetermine the amount of time a task takes to run.
 CAcStopWatchMarkerMakes the using statement available for AcStopWatch objects. Adapted from Profiling with Stopwatch by Shawn Hargreaves.
 CAcStreamA stream object that defines the attributes of an AccuRev stream. AcStream objects are instantiated during AcDepot and AcDepots construction.
 CAcStreamsA container of AcStream objects that define AccuRev streams. AcStream objects are instantiated during AcDepot and AcDepots construction.
 CAcUserA user's AccuRev principal attributes name, ID, and status (active or inactive). In addition, the user's AccuRev group membership list along with regular and other user properties from Active Directory can be included (both optional) during list construction.
 CAcUsersA container of AcUser objects that define AccuRev users.
 CAcUtilsExceptionException thrown when an AccuRev command fails. The AccuRev program return value is zero (0) on success and one (1) on failure unless otherwise noted in the documentation.
 CAcWorkspaceA workspace object that defines the attributes of an AccuRev workspace. AcWorkspace objects are instantiated during AcWorkspaces construction.
 CAcWorkspacesA container of AcWorkspace objects that define AccuRev workspaces in the repository.
 CADSectionThe activeDir section in <prog_name>.exe.config. Supports multiple Active Directory domains plus user properties defined beyond the default set.
 CCmdValidateThe default logic for determining if an AcUtilsException should be thrown based on the command's AccuRev program return value.
 CDepotElementAn AccuRev depot from the Depots section in <prog_name>.exe.config.
 CDepotsCollectionThe list of AccuRev depots from <prog_name>.exe.config.
 CDepotsSectionThe Depots section in <prog_name>.exe.config.
 CDomainCollectionThe list of Active Directory domain host-path pairs from <prog_name>.exe.config.
 CDomainElementAn Active Directory domain element host-path pair from <prog_name>.exe.config.
 CElementDefines the attributes of an element from the stat command.
 CExtensionsCustom query operators for use when using LINQ to XML.
 CGroupElementAn AccuRev group from the Groups section in <prog_name>.exe.config.
 CGroupsCollectionThe list of AccuRev groups from <prog_name>.exe.config.
 CGroupsSectionThe Groups section in <prog_name>.exe.config.
 CICmdValidateImplement to change the default logic used to determine if an AcUtilsException should be thrown based on the command's AccuRev program return value and the version of AccuRev in use.
 CPrncplDescriptionProviderSupport TypeDescriptionProvider attribute on AcUser.
 CPrncplTypeDescriptorSupport TypeDescriptionProvider attribute on AcUser.
 CPropCollectionThe list of Active Directory user property field-title pairs from <prog_name>.exe.config. These are user properties not in the regular default set.
 CPropElementAn Active Directory user property element field-title pair from <prog_name>.exe.config. These are user properties not in the regular default set.
 CRepoCollectionThe list of AccuRev repository server-port pairs from <prog_name>.exe.config.
 CRepoElementAn AccuRev repository server-port pair in <prog_name>.exe.config.
 CRepoSectionThe repositories section in <prog_name>.exe.config for multiple AccuRev server support.
 CStatThe list of Element objects from the stat command.
 CStreamElementAn AccuRev stream from the Streams section in <prog_name>.exe.config.
 CStreamsCollectionThe list of AccuRev streams from <prog_name>.exe.config.
 CStreamsSectionThe Streams section in <prog_name>.exe.config.
 CSubPropertyDescriptorSupport TypeDescriptionProvider attribute on AcUser.
 CUserElementA user's domain (login) ID or email address from the Users section in <prog_name>.exe.config.
 CUsersCollectionThe list of user domain (login) ID's or email addresses from <prog_name>.exe.config.
 CUsersSectionThe Users section in <prog_name>.exe.config.
 CLimitedConcurrencyLevelTaskSchedulerProvides a task scheduler that ensures a maximum concurrency level while running on top of the ThreadPool.