Show the changes made by a user in all depots during a time period. Demonstrates how results from one AccuRev command (hist
) can be used as parameters for the next (annotate
) for powerful in-depth analysis. Results are sent to the console.
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace UserChanges
class Program
static int Main()
string startTime = "2016/11/29 00:00:00";
string endTime = "2016/11/30 23:59:59";
Task<bool> r = userChangesAsync(user, startTime, endTime);
return (r.Result) ? 0 : 1;
public static async Task<bool> userChangesAsync(
string user,
string startTime,
string endTime)
Console.WriteLine($@"User: {user}, ""{startTime} - {endTime}""{Environment.NewLine}");
List<string> depots = await AcQuery.getDepotNameListAsync();
if (depots == null) return false;
foreach (
string depot in depots)
string time = $"{endTime} - {startTime}";
AcResult r1 = await AcCommand.runAsync($@"hist -p ""{depot}"" -t ""{time}"" -u ""{user}"" -k keep -fx");
if (r1 == null || r1.RetVal != 0) return false;
XElement x1 = XElement.Parse(r1.CmdResult);
foreach (XElement t in x1.Elements("transaction"))
int transID = (int)t.Attribute("id");
string tcomment = t.acxComment();
Console.WriteLine($"Depot: {depot}, {{{transID}}} {(DateTime)t.acxTime("time")}" +
$"{(String.IsNullOrEmpty(tcomment) ? String.Empty : ", " + tcomment)}");
foreach (XElement v in t.Elements("version"))
string path = (string)v.Attribute("path");
Console.WriteLine($"\tEID: {(int)v.Attribute("eid")} {path} ({(string)v.Attribute("real")})");
string mergedAgainstNamed = v.acxMergedAgainstNamed();
Console.WriteLine($"\tReal: {v.acxRealNamed()}, Ancestor: {v.acxAncestorNamed()}" +
$"{(String.IsNullOrEmpty(mergedAgainstNamed) ? String.Empty : ", Merged against: " + mergedAgainstNamed)}");
string realNamed = (string)v.Attribute("realNamedVersion");
AcResult r2 = await AcCommand.runAsync($@"annotate -v ""{realNamed}"" -fxtu ""{path}""");
if (r2 == null || r2.RetVal != 0) return false;
XElement x2 = XElement.Parse(r2.CmdResult);
XElement trans = (
from a in x2.Descendants(
where (int)a.Attribute("number") == transID &&
(string)a.Attribute("principal_name") == user &&
(string)a.Attribute("version_name") == realNamed
select a).SingleOrDefault();
if (trans != null)
XElement diff = trans.Parent;
foreach (XElement ln in diff.Elements("line"))
Console.WriteLine($"\tLine number: {(int)ln.Attribute("number")} \"{(string)ln.Attribute("type")}\" {{{(int)ln.Attribute("trans")}}}, {(string)ln}");
return true;