
Last updated on November 19, 2015

  1. Home
  2. Overview
  3. Getting Started
  4. Modules
    1. Elastic Search (flattened)
    2. Elastic Search (exploded)
    3. Nginx
    4. ZeroMQ
  5. Services


Funnel comes with a range of modules that allows composistion of the system in a variety of ways. Some modules are straight exporters, others provide both importing and exporting functionality.

Elastic Search (Flattened)

Primarily for visualisation, this consumer takes the stream and aggregates into one document per-metric per time window, and then sends those documents to Elastic Search as a single PUT operation. The format of the message looks like this:

  "@timestamp": "2015-11-06T03:29:18.779+0000",
  "window": "now",
  "name": "",
  "host": "ip-10-124-10-140",
  "uri": "ip-10-124-10-140",
  "cluster": "flask-5.0.450",
  "flask": "ip-10-124-10-140",
  "units": "megabytes",
  "environment": "imdev",
  "stack": "flask-5.0.450",
  "numeric": {
    "count": 1,
    "variance": 0,
    "kurtosis": null,
    "mean": 4662.508824,
    "last": 4662.508824,
    "skewness": null,
    "standardDeviation": 0
  "kind": "numeric",
  "type": "stats"

Using this document format enables extreamly fast indexing of documents in Elastic Search and gives great performance when using Kibana 4 (or later) for data visulisation.

Elastic Search (Exploded)

This sink is only to be used for light traffic, and at high-load it will cause yuor elastic search cluster to bloat its field space beyond the recomended safe limit. For high-volume workloads use the Flattened ES sink.

Primarily for visualisation, this consumer takes the stream and aggregates into one document per-funnel-host per time window, and then sends those documents to Elastic Search in a bulk PUT operation. The format of the message looks like this:

  "@timestamp": "2014-08-22T17:37:54.201855",
  "cluster": "imqa-maestro-1-0-279-F6Euts",  #This allows for a Kibana search, cluster: x
  "host": "",
  "previous" {
    "jvm": {
      "memory": {
        "heap": {
          "committed": {
            "last": 250.99763712000001,
            "mean": 250.99763712000001,
            "standard_deviation": 0.0
          "usage": {
            "last": 0.042628084023299997,
            "mean": 0.042445506024100001,
            "standard_deviation": 0.00018257799924300001

Using this document format enables Elastic Search to reason about both aggregate time queries, and top-n queries - the two primary use cases for monitoring visualisation.


Funnel has a module for importing metrics from a specified Nginx web server. Provided your Nginx setup has the stub_status module installed and setup, Funnel can import a set of information about current nginx connections, and lifetime behaviour of that Nginx process.

The funnel agent has a convenient usage of this module, but users can also bundle this inside their application if they wish to collect Nginx statistics from an on-board JVM process directly. Usage is exceedingly simple:

package yourapp


object Main {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val uri = new URI("http://localhost:4444/stub_status")


The ZeroMQ module provides both the ability to publish metrics from a Monitoring instance out to a socket (with an arbitrary transport and mode), and the ability to consume metrics from a socket and import them into the specified Monitoring instance.


The ZeroMQ module comes in two flavours:

  1. zeromq which uses the native libzmq C++ library and allows use of UNIX domain sockets, PGM etc. This is the reference implementation of ZMTP.

  2. zeromq-java which uses the pure-Java implementation of the same library API. This module is meant purely for compatiblity with Windows systems, as it cannot leverage domain sockets or PGM. Do not use this module unless you are sure of what you're doing.

With this frame, in order to run locally you'll need to install the libzmq and the jzmq native binaries. You can do that by running the following steps:

  1. Install ZeroMQ. Be sure to install ZeroMQ 4.0.+ (4.1 is NOT compatible)
brew update && brew install zeromq
  1. Build the JZMQ binaries
  2. Unzip the file and execute the following shell
cd jzmq-3.1.0 && sudo mv libjzmq* /Library/Java/Extensions/

That's all there is to it!


In order to publish your metrics using ZeroMQ, ensure that you have the following in your build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "oncue.funnel" %% "zeromq" % "x.x.x"

This will allow you to setup the publishing of metrics. Technically, this publishing happens on a background daemon thread, so its typically best to put this line at the very edge of your work (typically the application main):

package foo

object Foo {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {

NOTE: If you do not have the native library installed you will see an error at runtime on your local machine. For development purposes this can be ignored - the binaries are instaleld by default on the foundation images used during deployment.

If you would like more control over when the Publish process is started and stopped, then you can simply pass the function an async Signal[Boolean]:

package foo

import scalaz.concurrent.Task
import funnel.zeromq.Publish

object Foo {

  def stop(signal: Signal[Boolean]): Task[Unit] = {
    for {
      _ <- signal.set(false)
      _ <- signal.close
    } yield ()

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
     val alive = signalOf(true)
    Publish.toUnixSocket(signal = alive)

    // sometime later when you want to stop


Similarly, importing metrics is trival. Please note this documentation is intended for completeness only and is not a typical user-level API unless one is implementing a Flask-like process. Given that Monitoring.mirrorAll simply requires a DatapointParser type, the ZeroMQ module supplies one like this:

package foo

import funnel.zeromq.Publish
import funnel.DatapointParser

object Foo {

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
     val alive = signalOf(true)
    val dp: DatapointParser = Mirror.from(alive) _


When using the ZeroMQ module primitives to do anything with sockets, you will need to specify and Endpoint. The module provides a range of useful combinators to make creating the type of socket you want simple. Here's an example:

package foo

import funnel.zeromq.{Endpoint,sockets}, sockets._

object Foo {

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
     val uri = new URI("ipc:///tmp/foo.socket")
    val E1 = Endpoint(publish &&& bind, uri)
    val E2 = Endpoint(push &&& bind, uri)
    val E3 = Endpoint(subscribe &&& (connect ~ topics.all))

Essentially the ZeroMQ socket types are modelled as functions and you can specify if you want to be the side of the connection that bind's or connect's. In the case of PUB-SUB you also have the option to specify a discriminating predicate for topic subscription.

Wire Protocol

Whilst the 0mq socket uses ZMTP, the payload framing is always the responsibility of the implementing application. Subsequently, Funnel has an application-layer scheme for handling versioning and message discrimination on the wire. Funnel uses a single header frame followed by all subsequent payload frames. The header frame acts like a routing envelope for the message payload, and it has a simple delimited text construction that looks like this:


Some of the fields here are optional, and but all fields have an important role to play: