
Last updated on September 04, 2017

  1. Home
  2. Usage
    1. Getting Started
    2. Configuration Resources
    3. Reading Configurations
    4. AWS Configuration
    5. Dynamic Reloading
    6. Best Practices

Getting started

First you need to add the dependency for Knobs to your build.scala or your build.sbt file:

libraryDependencies += "io.verizon.knobs" %% "core" % "x.x.+"

Where x.x is the desired Knobs version. (Check for the latest release Maven Central.)

Once you have the dependency added to your project and SBT update has downloaded the JAR, you’re ready to start adding configuration knobs to your project!

If you get an unresolved scalaz-stream dependency, you will need to also add the following resolver to SBT:

resolvers += "scalaz-bintray" at ""

Configuration Resources

In the general case, configurations are loaded using the load and loadImmutable methods in the knobs package. Configurations are loaded from one or more Resources. A Resource is an abstract concept to model arbitrary locations from which a source of configuration bindings can be loaded. The following Resource implementations are currently available:

* requires the “zookeeper knobs” dependency in addition to knobs core.

Resources can be declared Required or Optional. Attempting to load a file that does not exist after having declared it Required will result in an exception. It is not an error to try to load a nonexistent file if that file is marked Optional.

Calling the loadImmutable method to load your resources will result in a Task[Config]. This is not yet a Config, but a scalaz.concurrent.Task that can get you a Config when you run it. See the Scalaz documentation for the exact semantics.

The Task[Config] is a pure value which, when run, loads your resources and assembles the configuration from them. You can force this to happen and get the Config out of it by calling its run method, but this is not the recommended usage pattern. The recommended way of accessing the result of a Task is to use its map and flatMap methods (more on this in the specific resource usage and best practices later in this document).

Classpath Resources

To require the file “foo.cfg” from the classpath:

scala> import knobs.{Required,ClassPathResource,Config}
import knobs.{Required, ClassPathResource, Config}

scala> import scalaz.concurrent.Task
import scalaz.concurrent.Task

scala> val cfg: Task[Config] = knobs.loadImmutable(
     |   Required(ClassPathResource("foo.cfg")) :: Nil)
cfg: scalaz.concurrent.Task[knobs.Config] = scalaz.concurrent.Task@63040587

This of course assumes that the foo.cfg file is located in the root of the classpath (/). If you had a file that was not in the root, you could simply do something like:

scala> import knobs.{Required,ClassPathResource,Config}
import knobs.{Required, ClassPathResource, Config}

scala> import scalaz.concurrent.Task
import scalaz.concurrent.Task

scala> val cfg: Task[Config] = knobs.loadImmutable(
     |   	Required(ClassPathResource("subfolder/foo.cfg")) :: Nil)
cfg: scalaz.concurrent.Task[knobs.Config] = scalaz.concurrent.Task@54a2df07

Classpath resources are immutable and aren’t intended to be reloaded in the general case. You can technically reload them, but this has no effect unless you’re using a custom ClassLoader or employing some classpath tricks. Usually the classpath resource will exist inside your application JAR at deployment time and won’t change at runtime.

File Resources

File resources are probably the most common type of resource you might want to interact with. Here’s a simple example of loading an immutable configuration from a file:

scala> import

scala> import knobs.{Required,FileResource,Config}
import knobs.{Required, FileResource, Config}

scala> import scalaz.concurrent.Task
import scalaz.concurrent.Task

scala> val cfg: Task[Config] = knobs.loadImmutable(
     |   	Required(FileResource(new File("/path/to/foo.cfg"))) :: Nil)
cfg: scalaz.concurrent.Task[knobs.Config] = scalaz.concurrent.Task@1ca18c9f

On-disk files can be reloaded. See below for information about reloading configurations.

System Property Resources

Although you usually wouldn’t want to load your entire configuration from Java system properties, there may be occasions when you want to use them to set specific configuration values (perhaps to override a few bindings). Here’s an example:

scala> import knobs.{Required,SysPropsResource,Config,Prefix}
import knobs.{Required, SysPropsResource, Config, Prefix}

scala> import scalaz.concurrent.Task
import scalaz.concurrent.Task

scala> val cfg: Task[Config] = knobs.loadImmutable(
     |   	Required(SysPropsResource(Prefix("oncue"))) :: Nil)
cfg: scalaz.concurrent.Task[knobs.Config] = scalaz.concurrent.Task@a1cb416

System properties are just key/value pairs, and Knobs provides a couple of different Patterns that you can use to match on the key name:


The Zookeeper support can be used in two different styles. Depending on your application design, you can choose the implementation that best suits your specific style and requirements. Either way, make sure to add the following dependency to your project:

libraryDependencies += "oncue.knobs" %% "zookeeper" % "x.x.+"

Where x.x is the desired Knobs version.

Regardless of which type of connection management you choose (see below), the mechanism for defining the resource is the same:

import knobs._

// `r` is provided by the connection management options below
load(Required(r) :: Nil)

Configuring Zookeeper Knobs with Knobs

The Zookeeper module of Knobs is itself configured using Knobs (high fives all around). This is simply to provide a location for the Zookeeper cluster. There is a default shipped inside the Knobs Zookeeper JAR, so if you do nothing, the system, will use the following (default) configuration:

zookeeper {
  connection-string = "localhost:2181"
  path-to-config = "/knobs.cfg"

Typically you will want to override this at deployment time.

Functional Connection Management

For the functional implementation, you essentially have to build your application within the context of the scalaz.concurrent.Task that contains the connection to Zookeeper (thus allowing you to subscribe to updates to your configuration from Zookeeper in real time). If you’re dealing with an impure application such as Play!, its horrific use of mutable state will make this more difficult and you’ll probably want to use the imperative alternative (see the next section). Otherwise, the usage pattern is the traditional monadic style:

import knobs._

ZooKeeper.withDefault { r => for {
  cfg <- load(Required(r) :: Nil)

  // Application code here

} yield () }.run

Imperative Connection Management

If you’re not building your application with monadic composition, you’ll sadly have to go with an imperative style to knit Knobs correctly into the application lifecycle:

import knobs._

// somewhere at the outer layers of your application,
// call this function to connect to zookeeper.
// The connection will stay open until you run the `close` task.
val (r, close) = ZooKeeper.unsafeDefault

// This then loads the configuration from the ZooKeeper resource:
val cfg = load(Required(r) :: Nil)

// Your application code goes here

// Close the connection to ZooKeeper before shutting down
// your application:

Where possible, we recommend designing your applications as a free monad or use a reader monad transformer like Kleisli[Task,Config,A] to “inject” your configuration to where it’s needed. Of course, this is not a choice available to everyone. If your hands are tied with an imperative framework, you can pass Knobs configurations in the same way that you normally do.

Resource combinators

A few combinators are available on Resources:

Reading Values

Once loaded, configurations come in two flavors: Config and MutableConfig. These are loaded using the loadImmutable and load methods, respectively, in the knobs package.

Immutable Configurations

Once you have a Config instance loaded, and you want to lookup some values from it, the API is very simple. Here’s an example:

scala> import knobs._
import knobs._

scala> // load some configuration
     | val config: Task[Config] = loadImmutable(
     |   Required(FileResource(new File("someFile.cfg")) or
     |   ClassPathResource("someName.cfg")) :: Nil
     | )
config: scalaz.concurrent.Task[knobs.Config] = scalaz.concurrent.Task@e763869

scala> case class Connection(usr: String, pwd: String, port:Option[Int])
defined class Connection

scala> // do something with it
     | val connection: Task[Connection] =
     |   for {
     |     cfg <- config
     |     usr = cfg.require[String]("db.username")
     |     pwd = cfg.require[String]("db.password")
     |     port = cfg.lookup[Int]("db.port")
     |   } yield Connection(usr, pwd, port)
connection: scalaz.concurrent.Task[Connection] = scalaz.concurrent.Task@12cf30a1

There are two different ways of looking up a configuration value in this example:

Typically you will want to use lookup more than you use require, but there are of course valid use cases for require, such as in this example–if this were a database application and the connection to the database was not properly configured, the whole application is broken anyway so we might as well throw an exception.

In addition to these lookup functions, Config has two other useful methods:

Mutable Configurations

Alternatively, you can call load to get a MutableConfig. A MutableConfig can be turned into an immutable Config by calling its immutable method.

MutableConfig also comes with a number of methods that allow you to mutate the configuration at runtime (all in the Task monad, of course).

It also allows you to dynamically reload it from its resources, which will pick up any changes that have been made to those resources and notify subscribers. See the next section.

Dynamic Reloading

A MutableConfig can be reloaded from its resources with the reload method. This will load any changes to the underlying files for any subsequent lookups. It will also notify subscribers of those changes.

Additionally, both on-disk and ZooKeeper files support automatic reloading of a MutableConfig when the source files change at runtime.

You can subscribe to notifications of changes to the configuration with the subscribe method. For example, to print to the console whenever a configuration changes:

scala> val cfg: Task[MutableConfig] = load(Required(FileResource(new File("someFile.cfg"))) :: Nil)
cfg: scalaz.concurrent.Task[knobs.MutableConfig] = scalaz.concurrent.Task@1ca5a0a9

scala> cfg.flatMap(_.subscribe (Prefix("somePrefix.*"), {
     |   case (n, None) => Task { println(s"The parameter $n was removed") }
     |   case (n, Some(v)) => Task { println(s"The parameter $n has a new value: $v") }
     | }))
res2: scalaz.concurrent.Task[Unit] = scalaz.concurrent.Task@3b7507a1

You can also get a stream of changes with changes(p) where p is some Pattern (either a prefix or an exact pattern). This gives you a scalaz-stream Process[Task, (Name, Option[CfgValue])] of configuration bindings that match the pattern.

AWS Configuration

If you’re running Knobs from within an application that is hosted on AWS, you’re in luck! Knobs comes with automatic support for learning about its surrounding environment and can provide a range of useful configuration settings. For example:

scala> val c1: Task[Config] =
     |   loadImmutable(Required(FileResource(new File("someFile"))) :: Nil)
c1: scalaz.concurrent.Task[knobs.Config] = scalaz.concurrent.Task@7529621b

scala> val cfg = for {
     |   a <- c1
     |   b <- aws.config
     | } yield a ++ b
cfg: scalaz.concurrent.Task[knobs.Config] = scalaz.concurrent.Task@78bb743a

This simple statement adds the following configuration keys to the in-memory configuration:

Key Data type Description
aws.user-data Config Dynamically embed Knobs configuration format strings in the AWS instance user-data and Knobs will extract that and graft it to the running Config. Seq[String] The AWS-assigned reference for this AMI.
aws.meta-data.instance-id String The AWS-assigned reference for this instance.
aws.meta-data.ami-id String The AWS-assigned reference for this AMI.
aws.meta-data.placement.availability-zone String The AWS data centre name the application is in.
aws.meta-data.placement.region String The AWS geographic region the application is in.
aws.meta-data.local-ipv4 String Local LAN (internal) IP address of the host machine
aws.meta-data.public-ipv4 String External IP address of the host machine. Not applicable for machines within VPCs; not guaranteed to have a value.

If Knobs is configured to load AWS values, but finds that it is in actual fact not running in AWS (for example in the local dev scenario), it will just ignore these keys and your Config will not contain them (a good reason you should always lookup and not require these keys).

Best Practices